MPHC’s mission is to educate and empower people
to take charge of their health and Well-being.
Massachusetts’s Pranic Healing Center is a community building business that focuses on service, teaching and empowering others with knowledge to live a balanced life, to spiritually develop, and handle the stresses of life in a productive manner.
Pranic Healing is an ancient science and art that utilizes prana or life energy to heal ailments in the body. Ancient cultures practiced similar modes of healing known as shamanic healing, divine healing, healing by mantra, among others. In its existing form, Pranic Healing has been painstakingly, systematically, scientifically developed, revealed and taught globally by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Similar modalities are called medical qigong or ki healing, psychic healing, vitalic healing, reiki, therapeutic touch, laying of the hand, magnetic healing, faith healing, and charismatic healing. Prana or ki is the life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy. This energy is subtle but pervasive. The natural condition of the body’s energy is balanced. When the body’s prana or ki is too much or too little, it becomes unhealthy. The result is the body is unable to function properly, and eventually presents symptoms of illness.
In Pranic Healing, physical ailments are treated through the subtle energy of the patient using prana thereby assisting and accelerating in several degrees, the body’s natural ability to heal itself. With patience and persistence, Pranic Healing is easy to learn. As simplified by Master Choa Kok Sui, it is a transferable technology. Its principles and techniques can be learned in a few sessions. Students can reach a certain degree of skill or proficiency given enough practice and time. There are several Massachusetts Pranic Healing Center levels of Pranic Healing. Each of the levels is formally taught in internationally standardized modules. Proficiency is gained through constant practice and study.
The first level deals with the principles and basic techniques, enabling the student to heal simple physical ailments. The second level , Advanced Pranic Healing, makes use of advanced techniques and colors, thereby shortening the healing time. Students are familiarized and taught treatments for more severe chronic ailments. The third level, Pranic Psychotherapy, delves into the treatment of psychological aspect of diseases and their causes using even more potent energy techniques. The fourth level is Pranic Crystal Healing. It is the technology of crystals for treatment of severe and chronic ailments.
Each of the first four levels are taught accompanied by books, written by Master Choa Kok Sui as veritable “cookbooks” in the treatment of disease. These courses and books are available in Pranic Healing Centers in 73 countries. The first book, Miracles Through Pranic Healing has been translated into 34 languages to date. The second book, Advanced Pranic Healing into 17 languages. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox western medicine, but rather to complement it. Countless people and their families have been treated and are enjoying a better quality of life through Pranic Healing.
The Institute for Inner Studies, Inc., the World Pranic Healing Foundation and all the national and local Pranic Healing Centers and Pranic Healing Foundations are committed to the task of continuing Master Choa Kok Sui’s noble work: to alleviate human suffering.
PRANIC HEALING is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it.
PRANIC HEALING practitioners are not medical doctors, but medical doctors can be Pranic Healers.
PRANIC HEALING practitioners do not diagnose diseases, make any health claims, or guarantee any outcomes.
PRANIC HEALING practitioners do not prescribe any medications and/or medical treatments nor interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments.
PRANIC HEALING practitioners do not physically touch the client’s body. They cleanse and balance the energy to enable the body to naturally heal itself.
MASTER CHOA KOK SUI (MCKS) PRANIC HEALING® and related workshops contain copyrighted material registered with and protected by the United States Trademark and Copyright Laws.

Erin has a sincere passion to help others and an internal drive to make a lasting impact on the world. This passion spurred the creation of Massachusetts Pranic Healing Center. Erin has taken her experiences as an Entrepreneur, Business woman, and now Healer and created a company that has a sole focus on creating innovative ways that allow people to make a difference in their healing, and spiritual development.
Combining her nursing career of over 40 years with her deep commitment to helping people, Adrienne became a PH. She was first introduced to this modality of healing after witnessing a family member’s profound results from a healing for anxiety and her journey as a Pranic Healer began. If you are looking for improvement in your physical and/or emotional health and overall well-being, consider this form of energy healing.
Adrienne is a Certified Pranic Healer and would love to share her gift of balancing your chakras with you. She has a steady conviction that the world can be a better place, so she can often be found volunteering with a number of community groups and charities. That same energy level can be seen in her other joys in life- travel, photography, biking, walking the beach and spending time with family.